Saturday 13 December 2014

Assalamulaikum & Haiiiiiii~

     OH MY GOD! It has been too long since the last time any one of us has written anything in this blog, right? I mean, I can literally see specks of dusts.. HAHA.. Too dramatic, right? ;p

      Well, it has been too long that my head is overflown with ideas so, right now I don't know what to write exactly.. *sigh.. Hmmm.. Let's talk about this blog a little bit. This blog is actually an assignment assigned as a group work and we are done with it. Alhamdulillah~ Honestly, we sort of wished to continue on writing this blog but I am not too sure because we might be busy and this blog might be buried under all of our buzy-ness and laziness. Therefore, I must apologize beforehand if this blog will really 'die' one day. I am sorry, girls... and guys. But, it has always been my pleasure and my dream to write so, I might go solo with the blog thingy. I don't know because as far as I am concerned, Mai has her own blog which i don't exactly know much. So, that's is it fellas.. It has been a pleasure writing and expressing.. Maybe, we will meet again in the future.. Somewhere, someday, somehow.. In shaa Allah~
